Ways that we adapt to the world without thinking.
Never attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity or incompetence.
Transforming Negative Self-Talk into Positive Momentum
Jumping Off the Cliff: Starting a Business like Reid Hoffman
Understanding and avoiding miscommunication when making cakes (and other projects)
Not sharing one is like keeping a gift in your pocket.
People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
The theory that you'd be less likely to offer help in a situation if others were around?
People doing things they shouldn’t or not doing things they should.
Adventures that are close to home, cheap, simple and 100% guaranteed to refresh your life.
Adding a bit of structure to the very subjective world of colour.
How do you find the sweet spot for flow and mastery?
When you're up against it, have you ever felt like there's no time to pause; to refresh and recharge?
The most important role of the finishing line is to get you over the start line.