Welcome to the explainer podcast for the curious-minded accompanying the popular series of simple explanations of the world through a weekly sketch at sketchplanations.com.

It explores big ideas through Little Pictures. Though it's certainly not a self-help podcast, you might take something away that helps you notice or even enjoy the world around you a little more.

Sketchplanations illustrator and author Jono Hey joins lifelong friends Tom Pellereau (2011 Apprentice Winner) and Rob Bell (Engineer & Broadcaster) to share ideas and stories catalysed by each week's sketch. The 3 of us have been friends for over 20 years and have always enjoyed delving into all sorts of conversation topics — usually with some silliness along the way.

Topics span science, behavioural economics, wellbeing, nature, psychology frameworks, business models, cognitive biases, and even domestic life hacks.

Comments, suggestions? Reach us at hello@sketchplanations.com